Celebrating 40 Years of Spirit-Empowered Ministry!

Worship, Prayer, and Intercession in the Holy Ghost
Worship, Prayer, and Intercession in the Holy Ghost

A seasoned, Missionary Evangelist and Pastor of 40-years — Kim Wetteland champions a passion and hunger for the sustained life changing presence of the Holy Spirit, heart-surrendered praise and worship, engaging corporate prayer, and the power, fire, and gifts of the Holy Spirit moving freely to refresh, bless, mature, and empower each family member and special guest with hope, faith, wisdom, and courage to honor and obey Christ with unwavering devotion.

A fiery extemporaneous preacher, Kim is insightful, prophetic, and has a unique ability to ignite passion in the hearts of people to serve Christ. He has spoken in more than 700 local churches, conventions, and open-air meeting worldwide and has authored numerous books.

A Seasoned Pastor and Revivalist

I have found nothing so wonderful, marvelous, and rewarding as having the honor of serving in Christ’s Kingdom as Lead Pastor of a local church that experienced forty-straight weeks of genuine, sustained life-changing revival from 2019 - 2020. Our entire church family changed during this time. One cannot encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit mixed with heart-surrendered praise, worship, prayer, intercession, and solid teaching from God’s Word every Sunday and Wednesday for nearly one year and remain the same. Literally, I felt as if I was “being born-again, from week to week, all over again!”

Worship, prayer, repentance, intercession, a fresh hunger and thirst for righteousness, street evangelism with new believers being born into Christ’s Kingdom, a caring family atmosphere, sound Biblical teaching with discipleship, and total surrender to Christ gives birth to genuine, life-changing revival. And genuine, life-changing revival gives birth to an awakening which America desperately needs.

An atmosphere of repentance with conversions to Christ, spontaneous Holy Spirit baptisms, dads, moms, children, teens, and seniors crowding the altars every service to worship, pray, surrender, and experience real-life change. Miraculous physical healings, tumors, growths, and cancers disappearing. Husbands and wives falling in love with one another all over again, children and teens leading out in Spirit-led prayer in English and other tongues, seniors stepping forth and being used mightily by God, and young people getting so on fire for Jesus that many of them are currently in credible Bible Schools preparing for God to use them in full-time service in Christ’s Kingdom as pastors, evangelists, worship leaders, and missionaries.

Can something like this happen in any local church? Look at the revival photos below and “begin to dream!” God loves to live, dwell, enjoy, and walk among His people. When we worship, adore, cleave to Christ, pray in the Spirit, and intercede, God makes a move toward us and His presence fills the entire house (Acts 2:2). It really is that simple!

Teenage girl leading corporate prayer in Sunday morning service

Teens and adults praying for one of our visiting missionaries

This happened every Sunday for 40-straight weeks

Believers worshipping God and praying in the Spirit every Sunday, which became “Our New Normal!”

Spontaneous Holy Spirit birthed songs

Solid, Life-Changing Bible Teaching From Pastors Kim & Cherie Wetteland